CBUB / Database / Comics / W / Warriors Three

Warriors Three

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: leroypowell3

Read more about Warriors Three at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Marvel

The Warriors Three are a group of fictional character who served as supporting cast members in Thor, published by Marvel Comics. The Warriors Three is made up of the Asgardians Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg. Though the characters are gods of Asgard, they are original creations of Marvel Comics and not based on characters from Norse mythology.

The Warriors Three have played a supporting role in the Thor title since the late 1960s.

For some time, Volstagg was the coward of the group, succeeding more with luck than skill. He gained courage over time and is now more than ever, likely to be found on the front lines of battle. They first appeared when going on a quest with Thor and other Asgardians to prevent Ragnarok.

The trio have multiple adventures with their friend Thor, such as when they battled the Thermal Man. For a time, they quest with him in outer space; one of their adventures involved saving an alien world from a naive tentacled beast.

Warriors Three

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For images 200x200 or 300x300 pixels square.

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